Right of assembly and new digital technologies


  • Silvia Donà INAPP
  • Manuel Marocco INAPP




digital workplace, Gig economy, workers’ mobilization, Workers’ Assembly


Technologies perform in Janus faced ways. They not only pose new interpretative and regulatory challenges, but they can be a tool for solving the questions they generate. In the paper, we first observe the processes of workers disaggregative and competitive isolation, that accompany the spread of new forms of work; then we focus on the role of technology as a vehicle for disseminating forms of collective aggregation that arose precisely in the context of digital work. The focus is therefore on the Workers’ Assembly (Article 20, law n. 300/1970, so called “Statuto dei lavoratori”), to propose its revitalization via “Social media”.


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How to Cite

Donà, S., & Marocco, M. (2019). Right of assembly and new digital technologies. Labour & Law Issues, 5(2), R. 7–29. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2421-2695/10239



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