La tutela giuridica dell’attività creativa dei nuovi lavoratori del web


  • Giusella Finocchiaro University of Bologna



Copyright law, digital work, databases, intellectual property protection


This article deals with the creative activity of web workers and explores feasible forms of legal protection.

Digital works, as long as characterized by a minimal creative content, are protected by copyright law as creative intellectual work. The rise of the web, however, has changed the scenario in which workers carry out their works, the economic model, the legal actors and the author himself. The subject defined in copyright law is very different from workers of the web who resemble more to authorial forms of different periods and cultures.

In this context, the A. proposes a redefinition of legal framework and new forms of protection for digital creative contents through a rethinking of the relationship between author and work.


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How to Cite

Finocchiaro, G. (2015). La tutela giuridica dell’attività creativa dei nuovi lavoratori del web. Labour & Law Issues, 1(1), 21–30.


