Smart Working. Dialogues between Portugal and Italy


  • João Moreira Dias Portuguese Catholic University, Port



Smart Working, Lavoro agile, Digitalisation


The digitisation process is changing the way we work. Besides this, we’re looking at a slow but profound change in the conception of work, particularly regarding the interests of employees.

Considering the implementation of Smart Working in Italy thorough Lavoro Agile regulation, we’re going to analyse the Portuguese legal framework, in order to understand if a new regulation is needed or if we can implement Smart Working in Portugal using the interpretative way.


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Other online documents

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Smart Working concept from Smart Working Observatory of Politecnico di Milano:

The Agile Organisation




How to Cite

Moreira Dias, J. (2017). Smart Working. Dialogues between Portugal and Italy. Labour & Law Issues, 3(2), 39–60.


