New technologies and trade union rights


  • Mariella Magnani University of Pavia



New technologies, Digital workers, Collective rights, Collective action


This paper has an optimistic attitude about the impact of new technologies, including digital technology, in protecting workers’ collective interests.

It distinguishes digital workers from those employed in traditional manufacturing sectors. It goes on to point out that while the physical place (the factory), which facilitated union activity in the former sectors, has disappeared, this does not imply the end of collective interests or the complete fragmentation of employment relations. Examples inItalyinclude the spontaneous assembly of riders working via food delivery apps and collective activities exploiting the potential of the web and of digital platforms. For workers employed in traditional manufacturing contexts, the exercise of trade union rights, especially those under Title III of the Workers' Statute, could be facilitated by the web and by the immediate and generalised access to virtual spaces. However, the paper also discusses whether the current configuration of trade union rights based on physical spaces is obsolete or whether they merely need to be re-interpreted.

Finally, the paper briefly reflects on the role of trade unions, which will not be marginalised if they are able to embrace these new technologies.


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How to Cite

Magnani, M. (2019). New technologies and trade union rights. Labour & Law Issues, 5(2), 1–8.


