According to the French Court of Cassation, Uber is the employer


  • Annamaria Donini Università degli studi di Genova



digital platforms, self-dependent workers, employee, service organisè, employer-organized work


The Author proposes a comment on the ruling of the French Court of Cassation of 4 March 2020 which decides to reclassify the contractual relationship between Uber and a driver as an employment contract. According to the Court, Uber unilaterally determines the terms and conditions of the transportation service to which the driver participates, reducing his ability to freely organize his activity. These elements characterise the existence of a employer-employee relationship between Uber and the driver. The decision follows the settled French case-law regarding the lien de subordination and, among a group of different indices able to lead to the assessment of subordination, gives to the “service organisé criterion” a prevailing role. The Author offers a comparison between the index of the service organisè used by the French Uber judgment and the idea of the “employer-organized work” introduced by the Italian legislator to widen the scope of the labour legislation. She finds relevant similarities: they both lead to appreciate the existence of a productive structure organised by the entrepreneur which defines entirely the conditions of performing the job, leaving no control to the worker. And through this path, they both allow the application of the employment protections to platform workers. In the light of the interpretation offered, very little space remains for the application of the special rules for platform self-employed workers introduced by recent legislative reforms in France and Italy. These provisions should apply to the sectors of home delivery of goods and passenger transport in urban contexts: in these areas, the ability of the digital platforms to organise the service is so strong that it regularly affects the way work is carried out and therefore it can easily drive to qualify the relationship between the digital platform and the worker as an employment contract.


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How to Cite

Donini, A. (2020). According to the French Court of Cassation, Uber is the employer. Labour & Law Issues, 6(1), R. 1–15.



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