The part-time work and job on call in JustEatTakeaway supplementary company agreement for Express Italy (Just Eat group) riders


  • Vito Sandro Leccese Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”



collective bargaining, JustEatTakeaway, part-time work, overtime and supplementary work, job on call


The comment deals with the part-time work regulation, contained, in
particular, in Part II of the JustEatTakeaway supplementary company
agreement. The use of this instrument is expected to be massive, considering
that it is, in the parties' plans, the common form of work in the company.
The author analyses the provisions contained in the collective agreement,
especially in the light of the discipline contained in the CCNL Logistica,
Trasporto, Merci e Spedizione and in the Protocol signed on 18 July 2018 for
the same sector. The author also discusses the rules on overtime and
supplementary work and the rules on intermittent work, which are also subject
to specific contractual regulations.


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How to Cite

Leccese, V. S. (2021). The part-time work and job on call in JustEatTakeaway supplementary company agreement for Express Italy (Just Eat group) riders. Labour & Law Issues, 7(1), R.140- R.153.



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