Very first comments on the proposal for a directive to improve working conditions in platform work


  • Marco Barbieri Università di Foggia



employment, digital platform, working conditions, rebuttable presumption, European Commission


The Author presents a quick comment of the Proposal of the European Commission for a Directive  of the European Parliament and of the Council, on improving working conditions in platform work - COM (2021) 762, in terms of the Commission's reconstruction of the de facto situation of work with platforms, the legal basis of the Proposal, which the Commission refers to Articles 153 and 16 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and the main objectives of the Proposal, which the Commission itself identifies to improve of working conditions, and in terms of the specific objectives of ensuring the correct qualification of platform work, guaranteeing transparency in the algorithmic management of work relations, and increasing the transparency and traceability of platform work (which the author traces back to the aim of increasing tax and social security revenues). In conclusion, the study examines the main contents of the Proposal: rebuttable presumption of employment relationship, information and consultation obligations regarding algorithmic management, and transparency in labour relations with platforms.


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How to Cite

Barbieri, M. (2021). Very first comments on the proposal for a directive to improve working conditions in platform work. Labour & Law Issues, 7(2), C.1 - C.20.



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