Work productivity and remote working: a combination that can be improved


  • Alessandro Graffi Università degli studi di Milano
  • Paola Parravicini Università degli studi di Milano



labor productivity, smart working, agile working, remote working, ICT investment, flat organisation


Considering that, for private companies, the use of remote work was an obligation during 2020, what effects were there in terms of labor productivity? Not only that: once the constraints linked to social distancing from the pandemic have loosened and much of the work done at a distance has returned to take place in person, that is, in 2021, how has the labor productivity been affected?

The purpose of this work is to try to explain the reasons why the positive relationship between the increase in labor productivity and the increase in the use of remote work that, in 2020, characterized the labor market in private companies with at least ten employees in the main European countries, it did not reappear, in 2021, with the same intensity. The data available for some countries, including Italy, show that the growth rate of labor productivity has significantly reduced in conjunction with the reduction in the use of remote work.


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How to Cite

Graffi, A., & Parravicini, P. (2022). Work productivity and remote working: a combination that can be improved. Labour & Law Issues, 8(2), C.1-C.17.



Comparative & International Overview