Labour law and the metaverse. If work is not a (video) game


  • Valerio Maio Università Unitelma Sapienza di Roma



metaverse, virtual reality, augmented reality, health and safety at the workplace, smart working, gamification, artificial intelligence


This paper examines the compatibility of the Metaverse with the Employment Law. After analyzing the professional use of augmented reality and virtual reality systems, this paper try to understand the impact of the Metaverse on the labor market. The Metaverse is also studied and criticized as a probably evolution of smart working in the direction of the gamification of work. The Author distinguishes temporary professional use of virtual reality from continuous immersive work in the Metaverse, to identify emerging critical issues, especially in terms of privacy and workers' health and safety.


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How to Cite

Maio, V. (2022). Labour law and the metaverse. If work is not a (video) game. Labour & Law Issues, 8(2), 40–61.


