Gendering analysis of working conditions and social protection law in digital labour platform work


  • Kosjenka Dumančič University of Zagreb
  • Alka Obadić University of Zagreb



digital platform, working conditions, labour law, gender, education


This paper explores the complex interplay between social protection law and gender differentiation in the context of digital labour platform work. Focusing on economic working conditions, we explore how social protection laws impact gender dynamics within the rapidly evolving field of the digital economy. Drawing upon empirical evidence and legal analyses, we examine how social protection frameworks intersect with gendered experiences and vulnerabilities in digital platform work. Through a gender-sensitive lens, we question the implications of social protection laws on issues such as income security, access to benefits, and workplace rights for women and gender minorities engaged in platform labour. Furthermore, we investigate the potential of social protection legislation to mitigate or exacerbate existing gender disparities in digital work environments. By shedding light on these critical dimensions, this paper aims to significantly contribute to policy discussions and legal interventions, fostering gender equity and social inclusion in the digital labour platform economy.


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How to Cite

Dumančič, K., & Obadić, A. (2024). Gendering analysis of working conditions and social protection law in digital labour platform work. Labour & Law Issues, 10(2), 28–51.