Il lavoro digitale su piattaforma


  • Annamaria Donini University of Bologna



digital work, crowdsoucing, users, atypical agreements, labour market, outsourcing


This article deals with the work carried through digital platforms of crowdsourcing.

The web is now vector of production processes widespread and fragmented among network users: companies break up the activities and assign them to a digital infrastructure that commit the work to the crowd of users, sometimes through competitions for the selection of the best idea. The usual technique for contractual qualification does not directly apply to digital work on platform. The use of terms and conditions to regulate relations between the three parties involved (customer, platform and provider), in fact, shows the autonomy of these schemes compared to the regulative contribution of the employment contract.

The A. also analyzes the socialization of production processes, especially in the culture industry, and the emerging user-worker, arranging his work through not transparent mechanisms governed by unilateral contractual clauses, far from the synallagma of the employment contract.

The contractual and economical imbalance between digital platform and others operators characterizing web-outsourcing suggests the inclusion of crowdsourcing sites (and the ones oriented at collective production) among actors involved in the labour market. The paper finally suggests a common regulatory background for web-operators with the integration of measures that re-confirm the typical features of the worker, although user.


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How to Cite

Donini, A. (2015). Il lavoro digitale su piattaforma. Labour & Law Issues, 1(1), 49–71.


