Il lavoro nella on-demand economy: esigenze di tutela e prospettive regolatorie


  • Emanuele Dagnino University of Bergamo



sharing/on-demand economy, on-demand workforce, labour law, labour standards, worker classification


The paper explores the so called on-demand economy – i.e. the economic model based on the use of online platforms that ensure the immediate matching between a user in need of a good or a service and another who is able to share his/her assets, goods, skills, time - with specific reference to labour law.

Through an analysis of the economic model behind this form of employment, the characteristics and conditions of the workers involved, and the regulatory framework, the Author focuses on the need to protect the workforce performing its services through these platforms.

Following an overview of the main topics, the contribution considers the consequences of this economic pattern, which entails that a worker operates as an independent contractor and sees the companies managing the platform services as mere intermediaries.

Three fundamental aspects are identified in relation to which the needs of workers' protection are analysed: economic security, reputation and training‏.

The paper concludes by stressing the need for legislative action to regulate a form of employment that is gaining momentum in different national contexts, and offers an overview of the ways in which such intervention might take place.‏


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How to Cite

Dagnino, E. (2015). Il lavoro nella on-demand economy: esigenze di tutela e prospettive regolatorie. Labour & Law Issues, 1(1), 86–106.


