Nuevas tecnologías desde una perspectiva de género y de prevención en el ámbito laboral


  • Manuela Durán Bernardino University of Granada



gender, new technologies, prevention of occupational risks


Scientific and technological advances are in themselves a useful tool to promote gender culture in workplaces and prevent occupational hazards. In both gender and occupational risk prevention, new technologies offer many options and tools that must be known in order to improve the efficiency of the company's production, avoiding discriminatory behavior and reducing accidents in the workplace. the job. For this reason, the article summarized here offers a dual perspective - gender and prevention - by conducting a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the use of new technologies to promote the prevention of risks to workers at work. Place of work and for the promotion of equality in the company. The first section examines the incidence of new technologies in the promotion of women in the field of new technologies and tools for the prevention of occupational risks, all from the perspective of their practical functionality. The second section analyzes the digitalization of the economy, taking into account the threats it poses and the opportunities they offer in terms of gender. In the last section, trying to offer a practical vision, highlight some of the most innovative and creative experiences, existing at European and national level in the use of new technologies for such purposes.


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How to Cite

Durán Bernardino, M. (2017). Nuevas tecnologías desde una perspectiva de género y de prevención en el ámbito laboral. Labour & Law Issues, 3(1), 51–74.


