The place to exercise collective rights: the “business unit” in the fragmented enterprise
representation of workers at firm level, undertaking’s fragmentation, gig economy, collective rightsAbstract
It is a common opinion that the effectiveness of the freedom of association need to be supported by the possibility for trade unions and workers to exercise collective rights within the places where the work is carried out. Among the legislative criteria that enable effective union action at the firm’s level, a central role is played by the “business unit”, around which the collective interest promoted by the law can be developed.
The Author tries to shape the interpretation of the “business unit” laid down by case-law to the features of fragmented business organizations such as digital platforms. The area identified in art. 35 of the Workers’ Statute can be declined in different forms, following the peculiarity of the gig economy. Moreover, it is also suggested that platform workers should be counted to satisfy the threshold required for the application of the Workers' statute.References
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